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Clockwork Rhymes

Three Keys to Unlocking Succesful MicroFiction

Cynthia A. Morgan


Image credit: Steampunk Fashion Guide

Whispers of secrets laugh boldly, yet are jealously guarded; staring like harbingers from her mechanized gaze. Grace fallen upon unforgiving innocence betrays an agglomeration of calamity sitting in melancholic glee upon her shoulders. Childhood sings from the devious shadows; hope smiling as she silently watches clockwork unraveling gothic nursery rhymes.

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What is Microfiction?

It’s a subset of flash fiction. Flash fiction is a super short story typically told in 1,000 words or less. Definitions vary, but mostly microfiction is any story told in 300 words or less, and could even be just a few words.

Why Microfiction?

Let’s face it, we live in a frenetic, mercurial, manic society that rushes along at a breakneck pace. We want what we want when we want it and that includes reading material. Modern readers, like Shakespeare, appreciate that ‘Brevity is the soul of wit!”

“If a novel can be thought of as a ten-course meal, and a short story as…



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