Member-only story


Day 17- Daily Haiku Challenge


Cynthia A. Morgan


Breath of Sweet Wonder

Whisper of Serenity

Stir my Every Sense


Today’s Haiku is the 17th in a Daily Haiku Challenge I am committing to for the next YEAR! :) A challenge worth undertaking, I believe. A means of Sharing the emotion of the season, as time slips through the glass. A way to capture time.

You can each day’s haiku in my Daily Haiku Challenge List.

Joining In

I would like to invite any and all who may care to participate to join me. A year is a major commitment, I freely admit it, but that is what challenges are all about, right? Of course, you can choose to write for a week, or a month, or a season instead, but hopefully, you’ll find haiku as inspiring as I do and will continue with me right up to day #365.

If you’d like to join me in this endeavor, please feel free to share your haiku in the comments. Or, even better, create a list on your page to collect and showcase the haiku that you post each day. So we can find and enjoy each other’s verses, please use the Daily Haiku Challenge tag.

I look forward to reading what you may have to offer.



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