Member-only story
Why I Write
A Writer’s Imagination Unraveled
What Inspires me?
What lights the candle of my imagination and sets the flame burning high? What is it that opens the floodgates of words, like a rapid, rushing torrent into my thoughts to overtake me, sweep me up and away, bearing me upon the tide into the depths of any ocean?
It is difficult to define that precise place where a fanciful notion or musing thought becomes greater than itself, steps beyond the precipice of promise and unfolds into a blooming illusion filled with imagery, lyricism and emotion; yet I shall endeavor to relate some portion of the mystery, if I am able, for there are times when, I too, barely comprehend it.
Words stand ready.
At any given moment, whether newly awakened or late blooming in the deep recesses of the night, words stand ready to burst from their sheltered waiting place and spiral into lyrics and phrases that tempt the mind’s eye, pluck at the tender heartstrings, or turn a mirthful corner of a smile. Like a madman’s mind, held captive to his whimsy by irrationality, so too am I held in the ever abiding embrace of words, in so powerful a manner and so inescapable a fashion that, when my gaze alights upon an image that strikes interest, it takes little more than a momentary pause to release the deluge.