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Flash Fiction Challenge
Writing Darkly About Light
A Writers Challenge Writing Challenge
October is a great opportunity to weave a little darkness into our writing. While the rest of the year I focus on words that are filled with light, hope, and peace, when October comes around I allow myself to be a little creepy. Not ugly, though, not in a hateful or destructive way, but in ways that allow me to blend a few chills into my otherwise warm-fuzzy writing.
That writing still has a purpose, though. I still want to shine a glimmer of light. That’s the intent for all of my writing, to Be the Change, to Shine a Light into the shadows, to bring into perspective the Power of One. Yet, before I digress, my original point was that October gives me a chance to write differently.
As an author of five books, I don’t really have any problem spinning a tale; quite the contrary. What I have difficulty doing is writing a cohesive story with 500 words or less. That’s why I love Flash Fiction; it makes me work those literary muscles I don’t always employ. It challenges me to understand what Shakespeare meant when he wrote (in Hamlet) ‘Brevity is the soul of wit.’
So, I’ve taken it upon myself to create a humble writing challenge. A Flash Fiction Writing Challenge. A Flash Fiction Writing Challenge with…